Thursday, May 22, 2008

On Dreaming and Commencement

Current song in my head: some classical piece that plays at work all the time
Current mood: pensive?/groggy
Current contents of my tummy: baguette, goat cheese, huge fuck-all piece of torte, chocolate milk

So, commencement= miserable. Cold. Windy. Rainy. I came super close to leaving before it even started. I have to admit, that I am super grateful for the rain because the thought of sitting through the Engineers made me want to throw up and die a little bit. I had been dreading that especially for a week. Thank you, rain gods, for sparing me!!
After the ceremony, we went to Ichiban (!!!!!) to eat. It was nice and quiet there, so we didn't have to wait forever like all the other fools who went to the Brew Works and stuff. I think I totally earned those fried noodles. :-D
The gathering on Tuesday was super nice. It felt great to be surrounded by so many people that I love and miss. I was super glad to be able to see/catch up with people before they all move away. Girl talk with Rich was super fab. Guitar hero was entertaining, as always. I hope everyone had as great a time as I did.
I REALLY miss having a social life. Even a small, pathetic one. :-P

This morning I had a pretty crazy dream. This is by no means the first (or last) crazy Kat dream, but this one was pretty special, I think. I want someone to analyze it and explain it to me.
In the main part of the dream, I was with this big group of people in some sort of large flying thing. I don't think it was an airplane... more like an air ship? Anyway, I was with all of the these people that I didn't know and somehow we all knew that there was a veloceraptor loose on the ship with us. Needless to say, there was much fear and attempting to hide. Despite everyone's best efforts, this thing was slowly picking us off, one by one, quite stealthily. You'd think you'd know if something that big was coming up behind you, but no. This was some sort of silent ninja dinosaur. It was all popping out of vents and grabbing people and stuff. Eventually, we decide we have to try to lure it off the ship. How do you trick a very smart, giant lizard into walking off a ship that is VERY far off the ground? Well, we opened these heavy swinging doors that lead outside and we grabbed onto them as they swung outwards so we were hanging onto the outside of the ship, basically. People started linking up and were hanging in chains from the doors. Some people were trying to jump, rather than face the raptor, but the hanging people would catch them. Eventually, the raptor chased a little girl out the door and she fell and people crowded up behind the raptor and started trying to push it through the doors. It ended up waltzing out, arm in arm with Chris Dennis (this guy from high school) who decided to fall with the raptor to save everyone else. Then we all climbed back inside and realized there was no pilot and the ship was going to crash eventually. That's when I woke up.
This was, nerdily enough, not the first dream I've had about a dinosaur. I'd like to know what Dr. Freud would say about it... :-P

In other news, I am going to apply to photography schools. The one I am most seriously considering at the moment is the New England School of Photography in Boston. I need to seriously work on my portfolio before applying, so anyone who's interested in helping, let me know. I have tons of ideas (as always).


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