Friday, May 16, 2008

New Mantra

Raphael (my boss) is reading this book called Creative Visualization, by Shakti Gawain. I've started skimming through it, and yesterday it inspired me to make this my mantra:

You are a BEAUTIFUL Person (inside and out) who will do BEAUTIFUL Things.

I thought this seemed like a good first step with the Law of Attraction and positive thinking and all the stuff he talks about. Well, maybe half and hour after I started chanting this to myself, Raphael stops and looks at me and says, "Has anyone ever told you that you have a classic look? You know, that means a classic beauty. I'm not saying that as a compliment, it's just a fact."
Ha! Score one for Ms. Gawain! :-P I read that if you believe you are something (beautiful, strong, weak, stupid, etc.) it will be true. It's supposed to be a sort of 'you reap what you sew' thing. That sounds pretty good to me.
So, my goal is to keep up with this affirmation. You're supposed to think it as often as possible, and I'm doing a pretty good job so far. I want to believe this so hard that I don't even have to think it to exude all the beautifulnessosity.

So there.

ps, A fly has materialized out of nowhere and keeps attacking me. This is not a beautiful thing to do, fly!!

1 comment:

Hayley said...

so i'm sorting through my things as i pack and i came upon a too-small bag filled with like every note i've ever received since graduating high school. guess who wrote a high percentage of them...
that's right, you. they were really fun to read over. it was mostly just you being bored at work, talkin about kats and what we were gonna do that weekend but it was really cute.
i like your affirmation stuff, i should read some books on that, too. that's only good, ya know? you could never go wrong with that stuff. besides maybe feeling like a dweeb occasionally (not that i ever do that).