Wednesday, April 23, 2008

And then there was blog....

Current song in head: Silver Lining-- Rilo Kiley
Current read: The Red Tent-- Anita Diamant
Current Mood: ?!?

So, I've decided, what with this 'new life' and all, I might as well start a new blog. Why? Cuz I can, I suppose. I've been thinkin' about it for a while and I wish I'd started sooner, because I've had a lot on my mind and, up puntil Saturday, have been spending most of my time by myself. Now that Jess is back from Roma (bearing some frickin' sweet gifts!) it's better. She's currently watching The Exorcist, which I happen to think is a pretty awful movie.
So, what, you may be asking yourself, is new in Kat Land? Well, today I FINALLY got a job! After months of unemployment, I am once again going to be a server (because apparently, that's all I'll ever amount to :-P). I'll be working at the historic Railroad House in Marietta; a short bike ride away (woot!!) I start training in a little bit, actually. Crazy, considering I applied this afternoon.
Hm, what else? Yesterday we went to Roots for some produce and then saw-- are you ready??-- BILL NYE THE SCIENCE GUY speak at Elizabethtown College for Earth Day. That man is awesome with a capital AWESOME. For serious, he was great.
I have lots of little projects going at the moment, which I'll write about later, and lots more I want to do. Basically, I've decided I want to be an artist. Like, for a living. This, however, takes money, so I gotta work on catching up financially before I can really start crankin' stuff out. Hayls was awesome enough to introduce me to Etsy, which I think may be the best thing ever (aside from, mayhaps, Gizmodo). So, now that I have a job I am feeling much more encouraged as far as that goes.
I've also been putting a lot of thought into what I want to do down the road, which I will also elaborate on later. It will be supa fab gawjus, just know that. :-D

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