Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Good Deed

Current song in head: Feelin' Good-- Michael Buble
Current mood: bored-ish

My mom and I were driving back from my doctors appt. this evening when we saw one of the neighborhood boys lying under his bike and crying. When I asked him if he was ok, he just wailed so I immediately jumped out and tried to lift his bike off. He yelled and I realized he was stuck to it. His shoe lace had gotten seriously wrapped around the chain and pedal, locking his foot to it. We couldn't get it unknotted and it was too tight to slide his foot out... Luckily two neighbor guys saw us struggling and ran over with some pruning shears to cut him loose. He checked his ankle and foot and he was ok, just a little bruised. We drove him up the street to his house and walked his bike back for him and we all lived happily ever after.
The End.

ps, Bike chain grease is refusing to wash off of my arm.

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