Saturday, September 20, 2008

Nothing Special

Current song playing: The Beast and Dragon, Adored -- Spoon
Current moody: runny-nosed?

Been a while. Not much has happened. I am working as a temp receptionist at Pressley Ridge, a family and youth services type thingy. It's super easy and not terribly stimulating. I answer the phone, check in clients, make appointments... mostly I sit around and read or surf the net. On Fridays we can wear whatever and I sit around and knit. I like Fridays. I've had hours and hours and hours to look up knitting patterns, and all things Boston.
This is my current desktop at work:Also, if you haven't seen this yet... Christine and I stumbled upon it on Cute Overload. It is ridiculously fabulous. :-D
I've been to Columbia twice in a little over a month. First time to see Tine and second to see all the girls (because apparently Maryland is where all the cool kids live now?). Next weekend Christine and I are going to NYC to see Equus. :-D Can't wait!
Other than that, I haven't been doing much lately. Work. Reading. Movies and anime. Knitting. Also worrying about money and Boston. I had to shell out 300 bucks this week for a pair of new glasses after mine snapped in half Sunday night. :( I'm back to feeling like I'm never going to catch up. I'm sick of it. And there's so much stuff that I still need to figure out for moving, but I can't yet (apartment, fin. aid, etc.). Super frustrating.
I'm pretty sure that whenever I get frustrated, though, all I have to do is watch that Meg video and I'm set. A world with dancin' cats can't be all bad, right? :-P

ps, robot dance parties are good, too!
pps, that's two different links. and they both helped inspire my gmail name :-P
ppps, whiel we're appreciating all things crazy Japanese...
